Thoughts that build Wealth

Man vs Woman’s Lust

Lust is a switch that is on for man ALL-THE-TIME.
Lust is a switch that flips on or off for a woman based on emotion.

I have been dating this amazing woman that has come to be my fiance.

Last night, she and I were discussing lust during a drive.

We discussed the differences in ingrained addiction to lust that men have versus women.

We broke this down into a simple question:
If you were watching a tv show, and a sexy man or woman comes onto it…Would you be triggered to have thoughts beyond “Hey, he or she looked nice”?

The answer was the quote at the top of this post.

I believe most men would have much more thoughts than just that. And that’s a terrifying reality, because as our next generation of kids get hammered with sexual images in things as basic as music videos…Guess what interaction will be easier than potentially facing rejection? Yep, avoiding it altogether in lieu of gluing to a screen.

Fantasy is easy.

Fantasy never rejects. It reinforces your illusion that everything you want or do is correct, because you answer to no one except a one-way street of hedonism.


But hedonism does not:

  • Lead to focus
  • Lead to improving the world
  • Lead to success in business, relationship or life in general

As I have been peeling the onion layers back of my own lusts, I have seen a new focus on what’s important, and the results have been ridiculously good. Most importantly of which is my emotional & relationship growth which has eased all my investments.

What are your thoughts on this matter?

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